The past few weeks have been an emotional roller coaster, to say the least.
It wasn't until just a few days ago that we even knew whether or not we would be allowed to dig--permit in hand. Still, the professor from Liberty University decided to go ahead and research hotel prices and air fare. Dr. Cooper asked to hear what the current prices were. The answer was higher than he had hoped.
It seems that the delays have caused all the cheaper plane tickets to be sold first. The result is that only the more expensive seats are available on the flights we would be taking.
This was the back story to the uncertain response I received from Dr. Cooper just a couple weeks back. With disappointment overshadowing his every word, he said that the entire trip looked to be at least $4,000, but maybe even as high as $5,000. When he mentioned this to me, I couldn't help but laugh. I told him, "$5,000, or $4,000, it doesn't make a difference to me--I don't have either! My Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. $5,000 or $4,000, it makes no difference to Him!" If God is willing for me to go on this trip, there is nothing that can stand in the way.
Well, I didn't hear any more discussion about the trip and I watched hope flicker and fade. That is, until I talked to my manager at Logos. She was looking at the summer schedule and was asking about my availability. When she mentioned the trip and I told her that I thought it had been cancelled. She then that showed me a Facebook posting from the college.
It said:
"Want to be a part of the last Criswell dig on the Qumran Plateau?
Contact Dr. Lamar Cooper or Diana Cooper by Feb 17th.
May 15 – June 9 2012 $4000 (possibly more)"
Though it was only a tiny spark, it was enough to ignite hope's flame.
I don't know if it will come together, but God does. It is all in His hands.
Still, a fella can hope can't he?